Standings for Wednesday 5/2 tier 1

Team Name Season To Date Avg. SOTG
Win Loss Tie PF PA +/-
668 Neighbours of the Beast 13 0 0 196 110 86 9.00
Flavour of the Week 10 3 0 178 141 37 8.15
7-11 9 3 0 159 135 24 8.25
Killer Dwarfs 7 6 0 168 150 18 7.77
Dick and Jane Layout 6 8 0 147 180 -33 9.14
Primitive Mystics 4 9 0 161 174 -13 9.00
Money Shot 4 9 0 149 176 -27 8.31
Lemmings On A Mission 3 10 0 143 185 -42 8.62