Standings for Wednesday 5/2 tier 2

Team Name Season To Date Avg. SOTG
Win Loss Tie PF PA +/-
S.M.U.T. 9 4 2 206 157 49 8.07
Alcoholocaust 9 5 1 193 169 24 8.60
Funnilingus 9 5 1 204 165 39 8.20
Biggus Discus - Wed 7 7 1 181 183 -2 8.47
House of Orange 7 8 0 180 180 0 8.67
Think Unsexy Thoughts 6 8 1 170 179 -9 8.80
Loons 5 10 0 178 204 -26 9.00
Dead Dog Spot 5 10 0 167 202 -35 8.60