Women's Committee


Mission: The Women’s Committee will create and implement innovative projects to promote the sport to women, recruit new women to OCUA, and to foster a better experience for the women in the league.

Logistics: The Committee will meet 4-5 times per year and select projects it would like to work on. An OCUA staff or Board member will support the committee. OCUA will also officially recognize these committee hours as part of the competitive volunteer hours agreement.

Projects may include, but are not limited to:

  • Rejuvenate the existing Women’s program
  • Implement a Women’s Week with initiatives to educate and expose women to coed play
  • Develop a mentoring program for women players
  • Structure introductory activities to welcome more women into Ultimate
  • Create marketing tools to reach women in the NCR
  • Others

If you are interested in getting involved in the Women’s Committee, please email us at volunteer@ocua.ca and include Women’s Committee in the subject of your email.

Thank you!