Ultimate Happenings - Issue 129
March 17, 2000


****************** 1415 players served *********************

Ultimate Happenings: Issue 129 - March 17, 2000
OCUA Web site: http://www.ocua.ca
"If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages?"

Hi all:

Please pass this on to as many ultimate players as possible.

I was listening to the radio this morning and an ultimate player
was saying that her team -- I won't mention names because this
is not an effort to embarrass anyone -- was going to be
practising this weekend.

PLEASE DON'T. After her call I placed my own to the station
and asked them to put out a request that people not play this
weekend or next. However, I'm sure that many of you do not
listen to OSR, so this is for the benefit of those who weren't
tuned in.

Please, please, please do not go out and play for the next 10
days or so. Cleats will ruin the fields since, despite their
looking ready, they are still very delicate. New grass has not
had a chance to grow and strengthen the turf. We are already
very low on the Ottawa-area sports food chain and, while it
looks as though we're going to be okay for fields this year --
and maybe have a couple of extra... keep your fingers crossed
-- we have to be good citizens and see to it that we don't
destroy the areas we use. I know it's been a long winter and
I'm as anxious to play as anyone else.

The bottom line is that we can't prevent you from playing now
but YOU can prevent US from playing this summer if you abuse
the fields and have us thrown off. This is strong language
but I use it because many people do not understand what dire
straits we face in terms of jockeying for position with other

So, please refrain from playing for the next couple of weeks
and you'll allow us all to have a great season. Your cooperation
in this matter is greatly appreciated. See you out there.

Ultimately yours,

Eric Morin
OCUA Field Manager

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