Ultimate Happenings - Issue 150
October 26, 2000

****************** 1694 players served *********************

Ultimate Happenings: Issue 150 - Oct 26, 2000

OCUA Web site: http://www.ocua.ca

"Never do card tricks for the group you play poker with"


- Winter League Registration Information
- Later
- Calendar Of Events


Any general questions can be sent to

Wednesday Nights:

Jesse Bolan
Fadi Ayoub

7pm - 12 am

Wednesday November 29th

22 games
12 players per team
8 teams
Gender ratio determined by the gender ratio of registration.


E-mail registration will be take from November 9th - 13th:

Payment date (sometime in November) will be sent out after
registration is done. Failure to pay by registration date
will result in your spot being given to someone on the
waiting list.

Friday Nights:

This night is currently FULL due to pre-registration by
returning players. Should spots open up another announcement
will be made.

Saturday Nights:

Due to the increase in demand for indoor Ultimate. There is
the possibility of a Saturday night league being run. This
will be open to all level of players with an emphasis on
players who have never played indoor, but would like to try

This will be run with either 4 or 6 teams. It will last
somewhere between 14 and 22 games depending on the demand.
The cost will be somewhere between $80 and $150 depending on
how many teams there are, and how many games the teams would
like to play.

The league will start December 2nd.

Games will be played from 11pm to 12:30am.

Gender ratio will be determined by registration.

Splitting spots and registration by couples is acceptable.

Teams will be formed by draft or weighted hat (different skill
levels in different hats).

To register (or ask questions) contact Gavin Thompson at
indoorultimate2000@hotmail.com . Frequent updates will be
given on the number of interested people and whether the
Saturday night league will run.


Well after 150 issues of Ultimate Happenings I am stepping
down. From here on Tony Argentina (uh@ocua.ca) will be your
editor. I thank Tony for taking this over and wish him good
luck. I also thank all of you for putting up with me.



2001/06/30    : Pre-Canada Day Camp Out Party (Ottawa, ON)
2001/08/16-19 : Nationals (Edmonton, AB)
2001/??/??    : Layout For Life (Ottawa, ON)
2001/??/??    : Ottawa 'Plaid Jacket' Open Disc Golf Tourney
2001/??/??    : Women's Hat Tourney (Ottawa)
2001/??/??-?? : Fr'equinox (Co-ed, Ottawa ON)
2001/??/??-?? : Montreal Jazz Tournament (Montreal, QC)
2001/??/??-?? : No Borders (Ottawa, ON)
2001/??/??-?? : OCUA playoffs (divisions to be announced)
2001/??/??-?? : Parlee Beach (Shediac, NB)
2001/??/??-?? : Unknown Legends (Hamilton, ON)

Ultimate Happenings is an e-mail newsletter for the
Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association.

If you want to subscribe send an e-mail to uh@ocua.ca
with the subject "Subscribe Ultimate Happenings".


If you are interested in advertising in Ultimate Happenings
please refer to the following website for pricing and guidelines.

Last updated

Maintained by the OCUA Web Team