Ultimate Happenings - Issue 160
March 8, 2001

****************** 1243 players served *********************

Ultimate Happenings: Issue 160 - March 8, 2001

OCUA Web site: http://www.ocua.ca

"Birthdays are good for you - the more you have the longer 
 you live"



- The Curse Spring Social
- OCUA Women's league - Thursday night
- Calendar Of Events



The Invitation:
If you have ever considered playing on a touring team or 
would just like to find out what is involved please attend 
this social event at the Clocktower basement on Friday March 
9, 2001. 

Meet the folks from Curse (Ottawa's other practicing team) in 
a very informal setting and find out what is involved and 
what you can gain in return. Even if you are not interested 
in touring this gives you a chance to drink with a bunch of 
folks who just love talking about the game.

Date: Friday, March 9, 2001
Time: 8-ish
Place: Basement of the Clocktower Brew Pub. 
[Corner of Bank and Isabella beside Randall's paint store.]

A little bit about the team:
Curse is one of the open touring teams in Ottawa. Last year 
was our inaugural season. We would like to continue building 
and improving the team this year. We are a team of guys who 
love the sport of Ultimate, we are passionate about competing 
and committed to giving back to the Ultimate community. Last 
year we helped out with all of the Wax clinics. Additionally, 
each member of the team was tasked to coach an entry level 
league team at least twice during the summer season. This was 
well received by the teams involved.

Every Spring we are looking for a few good players to round 
out our team and fill in the void left by those moving or 
retiring. First and foremost we are looking for players with 
a great attitude and a strong level of commitment to the 
sport. We will be attending anywhere from 5 to 7 tournaments 
throughout the summer. If this is something that interests 
you and you are willing to make the commitment to practice 
and to the tournaments, or if you would just like to practice 
with us please contact us at ottawacurse@yahoo.com.



Summer is just around the corner (once you round the bend 
around Spring). People everywhere are talking about the OCUA 
summer women's league on Thursday nights.

"I never touch the disc this much when I play co-ed. Thanks 
Women's League!"

"Can you believe how much fun this is? I learned so much and 
I could play any position I wanted!"

"I discovered that I, too, could pull the disc after we 
scored a point. That's incredible!"

These are just a few examples of actual player testimony.  
But don't take our word for it! Try it for yourself!

It's easy! Send an email to : Manon des Groseilliers 
(mdesg@cyberus.ca) Tell her you want to play in the 2001 
summer women's league. And pass the word on to your friends. 
Even better, get a group of friends together and ENTER as a 
TEAM. Now that's fun!

Ladies, make this the summer of ultimate to remember. Make 
the move to Thursday.

This is a limited time offer. Get your act in gear and send 
that email today (or within the next few weeks)!



 2001/05/5-6   : Toronto Ultimate Tournament (Toronto, ON)
 2001/05/12    : Lakefield College School (Peterborough, ON)
 2001/05/18-20 : Boh-Down 2001 (Regina, Saskatchewan)
 2001/05/26    : Layout For Life (Ottawa, ON)
 2001/06/2-3   : Gender Blender (Fergus, ON)
 2001/06/09    : Pole-Hole-Ka Disc Golf Tournament (Ott., ON)
 2001/06/16    : 10th annual Beach Tourney (Ottawa, ON)
 2001/06/30    : Pre-Canada Day Camp Out Party (Ottawa, ON)
 2001/07/28-29 : Parlee Beach (Shediac, NB)
 2001/08/16-19 : Nationals (Edmonton, AB)
 2001/08/??    : Catch 'n Release, Halifax
 2001/09/29    : Ottawa 'Plaid Jacket' Open Disc Golf Tourney
 2001/??/??    : Women's Hat Tourney (Ottawa)
 2001/??/??-?? : Fr'equinox (Co-ed, Ottawa ON)
 2001/??/??-?? : Montreal Jazz Tournament (Montreal, QC)
 2001/??/??-?? : No Borders (Ottawa, ON)
 2001/??/??-?? : OCUA playoffs (divisions to be announced)
 2001/??/??-?? : Unknown Legends (Hamilton, ON)


Ultimate Happenings is an e-mail newsletter for the
Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association.

If you want to subscribe send an e-mail to uh@ocua.ca
with the subject "Subscribe Ultimate Happenings".


If you are interested in advertising in Ultimate Happenings
please email uh@ocua.ca for pricing and guidelines.


Last updated

Maintained by the OCUA Web Team