Ultimate Happenings - Issue 180
August 9, 2001

****************** 3888 players served *********************

Ultimate Happenings: Issue 180 - August 9, 2001

OCUA Web site: http://www.ocua.ca/

"It is difficult to win an argument when your opponent is
 unencumbered with logic or a knowledge of the facts."



- Sod Farm Zoning Update
- The World'S Largest Ultimate Tournament
- Disc Golf Clinics
- Volunteers Needed For Playoffs
- Tourney - London, Ont - Aug 18/19
- Lost
- Calendar Of Events


A big thank you to all the players who wrote their counsellors
and came out to the meeting today. The outcome was as follows:

The planning and development committee recommends to council,
in a 7/1 vote, that a zoning re-amendment to allow the continued
use of the subject property on Spratt Rd. for Ultimate frisbee
for a period ending on Dec. 31, 2003 be adopted. This re-
amendment is granted with the understanding that the Ultimate
association will work with City staff to identify 16 alternate
"in City" replacement fields, that will replace the Spratt rd.
fields on a one to one basis as they become available.


312 teams, 356 games, 3500 players, 1 Ultimate park

OCUA Summer League Playoffs

Location: Ultimate Parks Inc.

Tuesday playoffs - August 18th
Thursday playoffs - August 19th
Monday playoffs - August 25th
Wednesday playoffs - August 26th

Once again OCUA invites all its members to come and enjoy 4
days of great Ultimate play. This year is no exception there
will be a beer garden, BBQ and tunes coming from disc central
along with more Ultimate than you can shake a stick at. This
year the beer garden is sponsored by McAuslan Brewing

Parking: Except Thursday playoffs - there will be a shuttle
bus from St. Marks High School, corner of Limebank and Mitch
Owen Rd. These buses are free of charge and leave every fifteen
minutes from St Marks for UP Inc. There will also be a Security
Guard on duty to protect the parked cars.

Parking at UP Inc will have a graduate fee depending on the
number of people in your vehicle...
 1 person - $4
 2 people - $3
 3 people - $2
 4 people - free
 1 person in a two seater vehicle - $2
 2 people in a two seater vehicle - free

As in the past, OCUA will donate proceeds to a local charity,
this year monies raised will benefit the Royal Ottawa Health


The Ottawa Disc Golf Club will stage two clinics for new and
intermediate players: Sunday August 19th from 4 to 6 pm, and
Thursday August 23rd from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Experienced players
are encouraged to come out and offer a few pointers, and play
a round with less experienced players.

These clinics will also be mentioned in an article on disc golf
set to appear in the Friday, August 17th edition of the Ottawa
Citizen. If you're interested in attending, please contact CD
Exchange at 241-9864, or email Peter McKinnon at p-mckinnon@home.com

If you've never tried the sport, this is a great opportunity
to get off to a good start. If you've tried the sport but found
it frustrating, this is your chance to pick up some tips and
improve your game.

Peter McKinnon


If you have a free Saturday or Sunday during the playoffs we
could use your help. Volunteers are needed for the beer tent,
merchandise table, playoff TD, parking and helping drive the
shuttle buses.

If you can help out please contact Steve Seabrook at

Thanks, Steve


University of Western Ontario - Intramural Sports League -
1st ever Ultimate Frisbee Tournament - "Huck & Chuck"

Aug 18-19 in London Ontario. Coincides with the Canada Summer
Games. They play in the new stadium, we play in the "old" J.W.
Little Stadium!!!


Each team receives 12 tournament t-shirts

contact Steph Cossette at scosset2@uwo.ca for further info

No one should have the excuse that London is too far to drive
to for a weekend. London Players have been driving to Ottawa
for NO BORDERS! for seven years!!!


Tan patagonia shorts

Tuesday july 31st at UP Inc.

Call Dan at 247-1796


 2001/08/11-12 : Catch 'n Release (Halifax, NS)
 2001/08/16-19 : Nationals (Edmonton, AB)
 2001/08/18    : OCUA Tuesday Playoffs
 2001/08/18-19 : Huck & Chuck Tourney (London, Ont)
 2001/08/19    : Disc Golf Clinic
 2001/08/19    : OCUA Thursday Playoffs
 2001/08/23    : Disc Golf Clinic
 2001/08/25    : OCUA Monday Playoffs
 2001/08/26    : OCUA Wednesday Playoffs
 2001/09/29    : Ottawa 'Plaid Jacket' Open Disc Golf Tourney
 2001/10/27-28 : 9th Annual Pumpkin Pull (Victoria, BC)
 2001/??/??    : Women's Hat Tourney (Ottawa)
 2001/??/??-?? : Fr'equinox (Co-ed, Ottawa ON)
 2001/??/??-?? : Unknown Legends (Hamilton, ON)


Ultimate Happenings is an e-mail newsletter for the
Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association.

If you want to subscribe send an e-mail to uh@ocua.ca
with the subject "Subscribe Ultimate Happenings".


If you are interested in advertising in Ultimate Happenings
please email uh@ocua.ca for pricing and guidelines.


Last updated

Maintained by the OCUA Web Team