Ultimate Happenings - Issue 188
October 11, 2001

****************** 3633 players served *********************

Ultimate Happenings: Issue 188 - October 11, 2001

OCUA Web site: http://www.ocua.ca/

"We are not retreating - we are advancing in another 
- General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964)



- Winter Indoor Ultimate at the Dome!
- Calendar Of Events



It's that time of year again, time to register for indoor 

This year OCUA has secured a 4th night. There will now be an 
intermediate division on Tuesday nights.

The following nights are available this year:

Tuesday night Intermediate (96 spots, 22 weeks, $175) 4 time 
slots starting at 7pm and ending at Midnight
Wednesday night Competitive (96 spots, 22 weeks, $175) 4 time 
slots starting at 7pm and ending at Midnight
Friday night Intermediate/Social (72 spots, 15 weeks, $95) 1 
time slot (all three fields) 11pm to 12:30am
Saturday night Beginner/Social (72 spots, 15 weeks, $95) 1 
time slot (all three fields) 11pm to 12:30am

Wednesday night will be accepting players in a draft format. 
Players can register for the league, but players will only be 
selected for teams through a draft. Players are allowed to 
register for both the Wednesday and Tuesday league at the 
same time, however, players will not be allowed to play both 
nights in order to give more people a chance to play. If a 
player gets a spot in the Wednesday night league, they will 
have to forfeit their Tuesday spot and if a player does not 
get in to the Wednesday league and has registered for the 
Tuesday league, they will be accepted on a first registered - 
first served basis. If you feel you may not make the 
Wednesday league, make sure to sign up for both the Tuesday 
and Wednesday leagues when registering!

Registration for both Tuesday and Saturday are on a first 
registered - first served basis. Friday nights give priority 
to returning players, but the remaining spots are first 
registered - first served.

Saturday night is a great way for people to work on their 
skills for next summer. If you are new to indoor or want to 
improve on certain skills - like handling - this is a great 
place to work on it.

Registration for all nights closes November 1st. If any spots 
are left registration may go later for Tuesdays, Fridays and 
Saturdays, but not for Wednesdays.

Payment for Wednesday night is due November 7th and for all 
other nights is November 10th. There will be a place to 
register on the 10th, but the location is to be determined 
(most likely the Clock Tower Pub).

Due to the limited number of spots, registration is on an 
individual basis, teams are not allowed to register together.

Gender ratio will be determined by the number of players of 
each gender registering, if half the players registering are 
women then that night will be 3-3, if only one third are then 
the night will be 4-2, etc. etc.

For all questions or comments please e-mail:
Gavin Thompson - indoorultimate@ocua.ca

To register please e-mail the coordinators:
Tuesday Night - Andrew Leach - tni@ocua.ca
Wednesday Night - Jesse Bolan - wni@ocua.ca
Friday Night - Steve Ott and Glenda Smith - fni@ocua.ca
Saturday Night - Andrew Bourque - sni@ocua.ca



 2001/10/12-14 : Canadian University Ultimate Championships
                 (Barrie, ON) cupa@interlog.com
 2001/10/27-28 : 9th Annual Pumpkin Pull (Victoria, BC)
 2001/11/04    : OCUA Fall League Playoffs
 2001/11/28    : Winter Indoor starts (Ottawa, ON)

Ultimate Happenings is an e-mail newsletter for the
Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association.

If you want to subscribe send an e-mail to uh@ocua.ca
with the subject "Subscribe Ultimate Happenings".


If you are interested in advertising in Ultimate Happenings
please email uh@ocua.ca for pricing and guidelines.


Last updated

Maintained by the OCUA Web Team