Ultimate Happenings - Issue 238
January 3, 2003


           U L T I M A T E   H A P P E N I N G S            
                 Issue 238 - January 3, 2003                

******************* 2747 players served ********************

      OCUA - The largest ultimate league in the world!      
            (300 teams and 3700 members in 2001)            


"Love the game..." -Unknown (see Editor's Note below)



- More Indoor Ultimate!
- Editor's Note



We are planning to offer much more indoor ulty in the coming 
months. There will be a day time session running at the old 
coliseum building on either Wednesday or Thursday afternoons 
between 1pm-4pm. Details still to be worked out with the 
people running the building, but if it is a go it will 
happen fast so please let me know now if you are interested.

This is an experimental first step with daytime indoor, and 
as such we are taking it slow. Four teams of twelve will be 
taken (48 players) with priority going to OCUA members who 
are not playing indoor currently. It will run 10-12 weeks 
and cost under $100 (hopefully!) Level of play is 'open' and 
the end result will depend on the abilities of those that 
sign up. If you are interested in helping, or being a 
captain let me know.

OCUA also has booked evening space at the new facility at 
Carleton on Monday and Thursday evenings between 6pm and 
11pm. Mondays will be 'open' and has 96 spots, and Thursdays 
will be 'experienced' and also has 96 spots. The intention 
of this Thursday pool is to try and build a new 
'intermediate' indoor league. 

Priority for both of these nights will go to OCUA summer and 
fall members. First dibs on the Thursday spots will go to 
players from last year's Tuesday indoor who did not get 
picked this year for Tuesdays at the Bubble.

We are trying to build a level of play here, so we are going 
to be giving priority to those OCUA members who have indoor 
experience, have played high level summer (top three tiers), 
or have tournament experience. We reserve the right to pick 
and choose!

As stated above, Mondays will be open to all members of 
OCUA, the priority being given to those not already playing 
indoor. This is being done very much 'on the fly' so no one 
is expecting to get it right the first time. What we are 
trying to do is work towards a comprehensive indoor program 
for next winter. We must secure the indoor spots now, and 
begin the process of organization. These offerings represent 
240 new spots for indoor Ulty, if we can fill them and 
quickly, then we will know that demand for indoor is topping 

Both sites require indoor field footwear and not cleats. 
Please contact me if you are interested. 




As you know, each issue of Ultimate Happenings contains a 
short quote or saying at the top. In the past, I've randomly 
put these quotes in. This year, I've decided to stick to a 
theme of sports related quotes.

Although it's a little too long for the top header, I 
thought that this quote was a great one to start the year 

"Love the game. Love the game for the pure joy of 
accomplishment. Love the game for everything it can teach 
you about yourself. Love the game for the feeling of 
belonging to a group endeavoring to do its best. Love the 
game for being involved in a team whose members can't wait 
to see you do your best. Love the game for the challenge of 
working harder than you ever have at something and then 
harder than that. Love the game because it takes all team 
members to give it life. Love the game because at its best, 
the game tradition will include your contributions. Love the 
game because you belong to a long line of fine athletes who 
have loved it. It is now your legacy. Love the game so much 
that you will pass on your love of the game to another 
athlete who has seen your dedication, your work, your 
challenges, your triumphs... and then that athlete will, 
because of you, love the game." ---Unknown 



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Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association (http://www.ocua.ca).

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