Ultimate Happenings - Issue 261
June 27, 2003


           U L T I M A T E   H A P P E N I N G S            
                 Issue 261 - June 27, 2003                   

******************* 2532 players served ********************

      OCUA - The largest ultimate league in the world!      
            (328 teams and 3800 members in 2002)            


"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of 
the fight in the dog." -- unknown   



- Comments On Dangerous Play
- Scheduling Problems
- The Coed Jamboree
- No Borders 2003 - Volunteers Needed!
- OCUA Volunteer Opportunities
- PDGA Tier "C" Disc Golf Tournament
- HOPE Needs You!
- Calendar Of Events



We have already had a couple of unfortunate incidents this 
summer with regard to dangerous play and thought it was 
important to issue a reminder. Please remember that this is 
a coeducational, recreational league for what is on the 
whole a 'non-contact' sport. While there is room for some 
contact as outlined in the rules, everyone must do their 
utmost to ensure that all players are given the opportunity 
to enjoy this great sport in a safe and friendly 

One of the things that has given us some concern is the 
apparent resistance on the part of some captains to approach 
their equal on the team they are playing and raise concerns 
before there is a serious incident. If a player is observed 
acting in a dangerous fashion, then to wait until something 
happens to take action is unacceptable. Too often in 
investigating serious incidents we hear comments such as 
"we've had trouble with this player before", but when we ask 
if the issue was brought up to the player in question or to 
their captain, the answer is almost always no.

This is problematic, because an individual can't be expected 
to modify their behaviour if they aren't aware that there is 
a problem. If as a player you have serious concerns with an 
opposition player's behaviour, spirit of the game dictates 
that you should address the issue. That may be as simple as 
a polite suggestion that there is a problem to them directly 
on the sideline, or it may mean conferring with your captain 
on the matter. Captains are expected to field these types of 
concerns, and if warranted, discuss them with the opposing 
captain in a reasonable, respectful manner.

Conversely, if as a captain or player you receive this type 
of feedback, you shouldn't take offense, or become upset. 
Rather, you should give it appropriate consideration, and 
discuss the matter rationally.  In the end you must remember 
that something you take as being quite normal, might be 
causing the team you're playing great concern. Listen to 
what they have to say, explain your side of the issue, and 
then modify your behaviour accordingly.  This is not a 'win 
at all costs' sport. Will it really make a huge difference 
to the outcome if you are asked to stop charging up behind 
the other team's players, or asked to be less aggressive 
when marking? What might have been fine for the last three 
teams you played might really put off the one you are 
matched up against now.

If the dangerous behaviour is not moderated or adequately 
explained, and the problem is serious enough, then as a 
captain you have other options. You can request that the 
player be asked to stop playing, or you can - for the safety 
of your team - discontinue to play. Of course, these options 
should only be used in extreme situations.  But it is not 
fair to your own players, nor to the other team, if you have 
not raised your concerns and allowed them the opportunity to 
change. If you feel that a particular player was a danger, 
and that their captain was unable to modify their behaviour, 
then you can approach your coordinator with your concerns 
and they will ask the other captain for an explanation.

In summary, it is all about responsibility. We are all 
responsible for our own actions on the field, and for 
upholding the tenets of the game in a spirited manner. We 
should all try to carry ourselves accordingly. This doesn't 
mean complaining about every little thing that may happen on 
the field. But it does mean addressing serious concerns, and 
dealing with them appropriately.


Ken Lange



Recently OCUA has been experiencing serious difficulties 
with its scheduling of fields. Let us start by saying sorry 
for any inconvenience that this has caused; we can 
appreciate and share your frustration.  Not by way of making 
excuses but rather explanation, may we offer the following 

The confusion has come from a number of sources that when 
taken in isolation have not caused much disruption, but when 
they are all combined, have really played havoc. Firstly 
there is the move to the new Leaguerunner system, which will 
be of great use to OCUA once we have worked out the bugs and 
filled out the functionality. However there are bound to be 
teething troubles with any new system, and we have had them.

Next there is the matter of the terrible early season wet 
weather which I think we all understand was proof positive 
that the supreme being has a wicked sense of humour. Then we 
reintroduced the doubleheader night in an effort to get two 
full round robins into our shorter summer season. Needless 
to say that combining this idea with Leaguerunner, magnified 

On top of these, was the fact that the City gave us permits 
on fields that we couldn't use (volleyball courts at Potvin 
for example), which resulted in a mad scramble to find 
replacements. Fields collapsing at UPI due to winter damage, 
and a desire to try and get them playable again so that they 
have to be taken off line. A need to maintain a rotation 
schedule of some type, that has meant the introduction of a 
new list of fields for each night and problems conveying 
these changes to our hard working coordinator volunteers.

All of this is not making our lives any easier, but we will 
do everything we can to get things straightened out as soon 
as possible. We are working to make the necessary changes, 
and will certainly draw on these lessons in the future. We 
appreciate your patience, and anticipate that things will 
run much smoother during the second round robin.

Once again, our humblest apologies.

Nick Roberts,



4/3 coed ultimate tournament
August 2-3, 2003
Ultimate Parks, Ottawa

Coed teams wanted!!!

The Coed Jamboree is a 4/3 ultimate tournament that covers 
two days over the long weekend. Grab your friends and come 
on out for a great time. League teams are encouraged to play 
in this tournament since there will be rec and competitive 

For more information go to:



This years No Borders will be run July 12 - 13. If you want 
to help, here's what they need:

1. Food Volunteers - 4 positions 
 - 2 volunteers/day needed for afternoon shifts on the 12th 
   and 13th
 - responsible for making food and beverages available to 
 - morning and afternoon shift volunteers will help with set-
   up and tear-down respectively

2. Gophers (golf-cart drivers) - 1 position available on the 
 - keep fields supplied with water
 - pick up recycling/garbage bins from fields
 - volunteers willing to commit to full days would be 

3. Driver - 4 positions (1 per day from July 11th through 
 - responsible for picking up tournament supplies
 - must be available all day

4. Site Setup
 - 4 volunteers needed on July 9th and 10th, 2 volunteers 
   needed on July 11th.
 - responsible for lining fields, put up fencing, 
   concessions setup, day food setup, water flags, recycling
 - volunteers needed during the day

Please contact Colin Spencer James for more information 
or if you're interested in any of the above positions at 



OCUA is run by volunteers. Without the time put in by many 
people, this league wouldn't exist. A couple hours of your 
time, could make a huge difference. The following is a list 
of current volunteer openings. Please refer to 
http://www.ocua.ca/ocua/volunteer.html for details about 
volunteer openings.

Current Volunteer Opportunities:

- Friday League Coaches
- Field Cell Volunteers
- No Borders 2003

Please email volunteer@ocua.ca if you have any questions, or 
if you are interested in helping out. 

Julie Thompson
OCUA Volunteer Coordinator




Jacques Cartier Park North
Gatineau, QC
July 26-27, 2003

4 rounds of 18 holes (multiple tee placements)

All Divisions (in both Amateur and Open)

- Catered Lunch Both Days
- Player Packages for Amateurs
- Closest-to-Pin (CTP) Awards
- Basket Giveaway
- Special League Night on Friday - Mystery Doubles @ 6:00pm

Full tournament info:

Tournament Director:
Joel McEwen, joelmcewen@yahoo.com



Get involved in the world's biggest beach volleyball 
tournament and help the HOPE Volleyball Beachfest reach its 
fundraising goals for charity. We are still looking for 
some volunteers to help with the set-up and tear-down of the 
site at Mooney's Bay. These individuals should be prepared 
for some light manual labour (e.g. moving 30 lb 
barricades). The volunteer shifts are as follows:

Thursday, July 10 (9:15am - 3:00pm) - 2 volunteers to assist 
 with unloading of barricades
Friday, July 11 (9:00am - 5:00pm) - 10 volunteers to assist 
 with the set-up of barricades
Saturday, July 12 (5:00 pm - 10:00pm) - 10 volunteers to 
 assist with the tear-down of barricades

Did you know that many companies, as well as the Federal 
Government, offer one volunteer day a year per employee?
Escape the office for the day and come out to volunteer on 
Thursday or Friday.

All volunteers will receive a HOPE volunteer T-shirt, lunch 
during their shift, a parking pass and entrance to the 
Beachfest on Saturday.

Please contact Jolene at kosloski@storm.ca if you are 
interested in helping out.



Jun. 28     : Lion's Roar Ultimate Challenge (Ottawa)
Jul. 12-13  : No Borders, UPInc (Ottawa)
Jul. 26-27  : Capital Classic DG Tourney (JCPark)
Aug. 2-3    : Coed Jamboree Tournament (UPI)
Aug. 16-17  : Wed/Thu/Fri Night Finals
Aug. 23-24  : Mon/Tue Night Finals
Sep. 13     : SPIRIT 2003 Ultimate Tournament (Ottawa)
Sep. 27     : Ottawa Plaid Jacket Open DG Tourney (JCPark)


Ultimate Happenings is an e-mail newsletter for the
Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association (http://www.ocua.ca).

To unsubscribe, email uh@ocua.ca with subject "Unsubscribe".

To advertise in this newsletter, please email uh@ocua.ca for 
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Maintained by the OCUA Web Team