Ultimate Happenings - Issue 39
March 15, 1998

Ultimate Happenings: Issue 39 - Mar. 15, 1998

"Chihuahua. There's a waste of dog food. Looks like a dog
that is still far away."
 --Billiam Coronell

"Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant? I'm halfway
through my fishburger and I realise, Oh my God....I could
be eating a slow learner."
 --Lynda Montgomery

Looking For A Team:

Experienced female player looking to join either B league
team and/or female team.

Call Debbie at 277-2747

Looking for Volunteers:

Our new land, Ultimate Parks, has several venerable apple
trees which produce some very tasty apples. If managed
properly, they will continue to produce these very tasty
apples for quite some time to come and will be enjoyed by
many an Ultimate player. Pruning is the best method to
ensure their long and fruitful life, and March is the time
of year where apple trees are pruned. By now, you should be
able to guess what I am looking for, but I'll spell it out

Yes, I am looking for about 12 volunteers to come out and
help me prune our trees on March 29th. This will take a good
part of the day, so we'll be starting at 10:00am. Pruners
(secateurs) would be a minimum requirement to bring, a
pruning saw and/or a ladder would also be welcome additions.
Beer and pizza will be served for lunch.

If you and any of your team mates are interested, please
contact Sandy Osler by phone at 443-3026 or by e-mail at
Sandra_Osler@dmr.ca. I'm certainly looking forward to
sitting on the hill under an apple tree, munching away,
while watching some Ultimate happening on the fields below.

Looking for Players:

The AmaZonkers (Women's League) are looking for players to
join the team for this summer's play. If interested, whether
new or experienced (but hopefully faster then some of us
veterans), please contact Blaize Mumford by phone at
599-4613 or by e-mail at bmumford@compmore.net, or Sandy
Osler by phone at 443-3026 or by e-mail at

Looking for Hat League Players:

Anyone interested in hat league games on Sunday in the West
End (probably Britannia Beach) during the summer should call
Mike Vautour at 823-1511.

Looking for Ultimate Ambassador's:

#1 Instructor(s) needed to teach Ultimate to 13-18 year
 old's through "Women in Sport". It will be Tuesday evenings
 from May 12 - June 2 (4 weeks) at McCarthy Fields in
 Hunt Club.

#2 Hi-tech corporation looking for Ultimate instructor(s) to
 do a rules of play presentation and maybe some skills and
 drills. Time is at instructors convenience.

For either of the above please contact Doug Tahirali at
231-4662 or dougtah@achilles.net ASAP!

Any level players needed and welcome.


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