[Sun Hat | Mon43 | Mon52 | Tue43 | Tue52 | Tue Masters | Wed43 | Wed52 | Thu Womens | Thu Mens | Fri Masters]

1999 Summer League

[SOTG | Registration | Divisions | Timecaps | Responsibilities | League Rules]

Welcome to what promises to be another fantastic summer of ultimate! We're offering more than ever to the ultimate community this year, and we're looking to make further improvements to our established base. One of our primary goals is to have those long sought after, up to date schedules, results, and standings on the web, so be sure to check your league pages frequently. Once again, Doug Tahirali (231-4662) will be our Summer League Coordinator, overseeing the entire summer league, and working with the divisional coordinators to help it run in a smooth, cohesive, and reasonably consistent manner.

The Spirit Of The Game

As always, OCUA will be doing its best to ensure that Spirit of the Game (SOTG) continues to be an integral element of the game. Ultimate, while sometimes competitive, should always exhibit fair play, and most importantly, always be fun. So as a friendly reminder, we've included the clause on SOTG from Section I of the rules, and trust that you will abide by this code of honour in good faith:

Ultimate has traditionally relied upon a spirit of sportsmanship which places the responsibility for fair play on the player. Highly competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of the bond of mutual respect between players, adherence to the agreed upon rules of the game, or the basic joy of play. Protection of these vital elements serves to eliminate adverse conduct from the Ultimate field. Such actions as taunting of opposing players, dangerous aggression, intentional fouling, or other "win-at-all-costs" behaviour are contrary to the spirit of the game and must be avoided by all players.


The following is a breakdown of divisions and links to their individual homepages. These pages have not yet been updated for 1999, but once they are, each page will contain information pertinent to that specific division, such as who the league coordinator is, which teams play in the division, schedules, standings, etc., Look for these pages to change rapidly over the coming weeks!

OCUA Summer League Divisions
SunMonTue WedThuFriSat
Hat League Mon 4/3
Mon 5/2
Tues 4/3
Tues 5/2
Wed 4/3
Wed 5/2

This summer we're doing our best to try to offer as many different levels of play on as many different nights as possible during the week. Each division is based on a coed ratio. In 4/3 divisions, only 4 members of one gender can be on the field at a time. In 5/2 divisions, that number is 5. (Obviously women's and men's divisions are 7/0 one way or the other. :) Each division is divided into tiers, with each tier offering a different level of competition, ranging from recreational to competitive. Some divisions are stronger than others, however, so if you're forming a new team or your team is changing nights and you aren't familiar with the divisions, it's best to contact Doug or the appropriate divisional coordinator to see where you fit in. It's also important to note that it looks as though the league is continuing to grow by leaps and bounds. Last year we had 168 teams; this year we are expecting more than 200. As a result, some divisions may be capped due to a lack of field space. As a result, we are strongly encouraging teams to search out fields that the league may be able to use. If your team finds a new field that is available for play, and the field meets the requirements of the executive committee, you can have your home games scheduled there (1/2 of your games), and the league will give you a free case of beer!

Registration Day

Saturday, May 1st, 11am - 4pm
James Street Feed Company
390 Bank Street

Directions: Located on the corner of Bank & James, about 5 or 6 blocks north of the Queensway.

Registration will be at James Street Feed Company on May 1 from 11-4. Drop on by anytime during this period. The following will be required:

Team Fees
Team fees have increased this year, to $750. In addition, teams will be charged a $25 roster fee, which will be refunded if the team submits it's roster on time. Cheques should be made out to the Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association. Teams with cheques that bounce will be assessed the $25 late fee as well as any NSF charges we incur.
Team Roster
Rosters are due by May 22nd. Failure to turn in completed rosters by this date will result in the loss of your $25 roster deposit. The new version of the roster program is not yet complete, but it will be ready by May 1, and will most likely be web based. Stay tuned for further details. Teams that provide their player information on paper will have to pay a $25 data entry fee.
Due to the large outflow of cones in the past, we are now charging a $5 deposit on cones, which is refundable, should you choose to return them. This also applies to cones from previous years, even though there was no deposit charged in the past.
The new OCUA Discs will be available for purchase ($10 for regular discs, $12 for nightglow). Any other groups or individuals wanting to sell discs or other merchandise at registration must clear it with the league in advance.

Team & League Responsibilities

In order for the league to function smoothly, we rely heavily on cooperation amongst all the various entities. This helps to ensure that everything gets done, while still spreading the workload out over as many people as possible. As such, it's important to make sure everyone is aware of their responsibilities. As a team, you will want to be aware of what to expect, and pay particular attention to what is expected of you:

League Responsibilities

League Coordinator's Responsibilities

The League Coordinator shall:

Divisional Coordinator's Responsibilities

The Divisional Coordinators shall:

Team Responsibilities

League Specific Rules & Regulations

Please note the following summer league specific rules and regulations.

Last modified
Maintained by the OCUA Web Team.