Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association (OCUA)


Box 120, 410 Bank Street, Ottawa, ON  K2P 1Y8   CANADA   Tel: (613) 860-OCUA (6282) Email:



Due Mar.15/02  OCUA SUMMER 2002 REGISTRATION FORM   Due Mar.15/02

(* indicates mandatory information)


Team Name for 2002* _____________________________________________


Team Name in 2001 (if different)* ___________________________________


Captain*: _____________________________   2nd Contact*: _______________________________


Address*: _____________________________         Address*: _______________________________

                  _____________________________                           _______________________________

                  _____________________________                      _______________________________


  Daytime Tel#*: ______________________       Daytime Tel#*: _________________________

  Evening Tel#*: ______________________        Evening Tel#*: _________________________

Primary e-mail*:______________________       Primary e-mail*:__________________________

 Second  e-mail: _______________________       Second  e-mail: _________________________


1) Is this a returning OCUA summer league team from 2001? (Circle one)*      YES      NO


2) If you answered “yes” to the above, What night/ratio were you in? (Circle one only)*


Mon5/2       Mon4/3       Tues5/2       Tues4/3       Wed5/2       Wed4/3        Thurs Womens          ThursCoed



2002 Preferences

While OCUA expects to be able to accommodate all returning teams, recent news that we will be losing two of our incity fields means that there is a risk of cutbacks on our most popular nights. Spots will be granted on a first received, first placed basis with respect to this document. 


Preferred Ratio of Play (circle one only)                      4/3                   5/2                   Women’s


Does your team wish to change nights? (circle one only)      NO      YES


If “Yes”, then to which Night? (circle one only)  MON            TUES              WED         THURS



*Captain’s Signature:            _____________________________              Date:___________________


Mail Completed Form and Deposit Cheque ($250 per team) to:

 OCUA, Box 120, 410 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont. K2P 1Y8



The How’s and Why’s of OCUA’s 2002 Registration Form


1) 2002 Team Name/Old Team Name

Fill in the name of your team for the 2002 summer season. If you are a returning team from the 2001 summer season, please fill in your team name from that year under “Old Team Name”. Please note that any question over the status of a team (new versus returning) will be determined by consulting the 2001 records for the team name and captain’s name. If we cannot find the team name listed in the records, then this team will be considered a “new” team and placed on the waiting list. Do yourself a favor and list your old team name if you decide to change it.


2) Captain’s & 2nd Contact Information

You will note that most of this information is mandatory. Notification (offers of league vacancies, problems, etc.) will be made using this information, primarily through email as well as Ultimate Happenings and the OCUA website. Please keep OCUA informed of any changes to this information!


Wherever possible, try to get last year’s captain to fill out the form. It will help avoid any confusion on OCUA’s part. If this is not possible, please keep the information as close as possible to last year. Contact information/Team Names can always be changed at a later date. As returning teams have different privileges than new teams, please ensure that we can tell the difference between a returning team with a new name and a new captain and a brand new team to OCUA summer league.



3) 2002 Preferences

Returning teams have certain privileges when it comes to their historic night of play. These privileges only apply to that night of play and as such if you pick your traditional night,  your team will be given priority for spots based on a ‘first received, first placed’ basis with respect to this document. If you wish to change nights, then fill out the form to keep your returning spot, but under the ‘Preferences’ section please note your teams desire to change nights, and the night. Your team will be placed on a waiting list for that night, again on a ‘first received, first placed’ basis with respect to this document.  If a spot on this new night opens up, you will be contacted and offered the spot. Once you have accepted, you lose all rights to your historic night of play.


Information concerning your preference of Gender Ratio (4/3 versus 5/2) is  MANDATORY !  It will be used by the BOD to determine the future of the 5/2 ratio in OCUA. 5/2 divisions will only be run in pools of eight. If 16 Monday teams wish to play 5/2, then two pools will be run, if more than 8, but less than 16 wish to play 5/2, it will be cut down to one pool. Again if this decision is taken, placement to the 5/2 pools will be on a ‘first received, first placed’ basis with respect to this document.  Demand for the 5/2 ratio in summer 2002, will determine if this option will be phased out completely for summer 2003 play. If your team is granted a spot on its chosen night and then withdraws, your deposit is forfeit.



If your team plays on both Mondays and Wednesdays (for example) then you must fill in two separate forms and two separate deposit cheques (albeit with a lot of the same information.) The balance of your team fees are due on the 2nd of April at the newly combined Captains Meeting and Registration, which will be held at Brookfield HS at 7pm. Please direct any inquiries to Nick Roberts,