Standings for Saturday Night Beginner tier 0

Team Name Season To Date Avg. SOTG
Win Loss Tie Dfl PF PA +/-
Ham of Green Gay Bulls 12 2 0 0 225 166 59 8.29
Bloodshot 11 3 0 0 241 169 72 8.00
Yellow Snow 7 7 0 0 214 250 -36 8.43
Blue Saturday Indoor 6 8 0 0 215 213 2 8.43
White Saturday Indoor 5 9 0 0 206 233 -27 8.64
Hands of Constant Sorrow. 4 9 0 0 179 202 -23 8.69
Orange Saturday Indoor 3 10 0 0 166 213 -47 8.54