Special Members Meeting - Ratio O

OCUA is hosting a special members meeting regarding the summer implementation of Ratio O for 7v7 coed leagues.

*** RESULTS = The motion "to review and postpone the implementation plan for Ratio O" was PASSED. Stay tuned for further updates. ***

Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Jim Durrell Recreation Centre - 1265 Walkley Road


All members of the association with a valid 2019-2020 Annual Membership are invited to attend.

The meeting will include a brief presentation from the Board of Directors and is an opportunity for the membership to vote on a motion brought forward by members regarding OCUA's implementation of Ratio O summer 2020.

If you have any questions about the Special Members Meeting, please contact the Board Chair at chair@ocua.ca.

For more information about Gender Ratio O, please read through our FAQ document and some resources.