Knee injury prevention and management clinic

Injury Prevention and Management Clinic

  • Topic: Knee injury prevention and management
  • Time and location: Sunday May 25th, 6pm - 8pm 939 Somerset St W (Custom Strength)
  • Presented by: Elsbeth Vaino, CSCS (personal trainer) Michelle Warren, PT (physical therapist)
  • Cost (due upon registration): $10
  • Maximum: 20 attendees

Brief description: This presentation will address common knee injuries seen in ultimate players, and will include a discussion of anatomy, injury mechanism, injury rehab (for both acute and overuse injuries), return to play considerations, post-rehab training, and injury prevention strategies. This presentation will include a hands-on component where you will learn some specific exercises for improved knee health, so please bring clothes that allow you to move.


  1. Introduction
  2. Knee anatomy (Michelle Warren)
  3. Explanation of common injuries for ultimate players (Michelle Warren)
  4. What to do when injured (Michelle Warren)
  5. First hands on segment demonstrating rehab exercises (Michelle Warren)
  6. Should you play? (Michelle Warren)
  7. The need for post-rehab (Elsbeth Vaino)
  8. Training considerations after a knee injury (Elsbeth Vaino)
  9. Prevention strategies (Elsbeth Vaino)
  10. Second hands on segment demonstrating strengthening and warmup exercises (Elsbeth Vaino)

Speaker bios:

Michelle Warren, B.Sc. (Hon.Kin.), B.Ed., M.Sc.(PT)

Michelle is a Physiotherapist at Ottawa Osteopathy & Sports Therapy, where she works with people of all ages, including athletes, treating a variety of injuries and painful conditions. Michelle is certified in K-Taping, Dry Needling, and has recently taken a course in Myo-Fascial Release. She has competed at the Varsity level in Athletics, and at the National level in Ultimate Frisbee. She was a member of the teams BigFish, BFC, Dynamite, and the GeeGees. She has also coached these sports at various levels and was a personal trainer in the past. You can contact Michelle via the Ottawa Osteopathy & Sports Therapy website at

Elsbeth Vaino, B.Sc., CSCS

Elsbeth is the owner and head trainer at Custom Strength, in Ottawa Canada, where she works primarily with clients who wish to perform at high levels in their chosen sport, as well as helping clients return to sports post-injury. Prior to becoming a trainer, Elsbeth had a successful career in engineering, which significantly influences her approach. She holds a CSCS, is FMS certified, and has a wealth of coaching (hockey, ultimate, skiing) experience. You can contact Elsbeth via the Custom Strength website.