Free Introduction Clinic to 4x4 Ultimate

OCUA will be providing a free introductory clinic this Sunday, December 8th, for any player interested in learning the 4 x 4 indoor Ultimate variant.

When? December 8th from 8:00 to 9:00pm

Where? Louis Riel Dome

Who can attend? Anyone that is interested in trying the 4x4 variant.

Cost? Free...that's right $0

What to bring - White & black shirts, cleats, and a water bottle.

Registration - None, just show up!


There will be coaches at the field explaining the general 4x4 strategies, league-specific rules, and after some short drills, there will be a scrimmage to experience the real thing!

Anyone that is interested in playing 4x4 this winter can still sign up for Session II. Registration and more information:

Questions? Shoot an email over to