Emma Wilson-Pease

Hey everyone! 
A bit about me: I first started playing ultimate in 2015 when I subbed for a friend’s team and became instantly addicted. SInce then, I’ve played as much ultimate as possible, playing at both rec and competitive leagues over the past few years. I love to sub when I can as well so you’ve probably seen me out on the fields.
As a candidate for consideration, I hope to continue serving as a member of OCUA’s board. I look forward to bringing my skills, volunteer experience, and leadership to benefit OCUA’s programs, strategic plan, and future directions. I am excited to further interact with the ultimate community and endorse OCUA core values in this role. As a Director, I will continue supporting and advancing the current OCUA programs while ensuring standards of governance and transparency are upheld. 
In my professional life, I am a travel health epidemiologist with the Public Health Agency of Canada, and love to chat about emerging global health issues.
In her spare time, I enjoy stand up paddleboarding, triathlon, and playing with my dog Maya.