anywhere really
Jared Cohen
Tue, 2006-04-18 13:13
[quote=Steve Bisang]anywhere really[/quote]
Anywhere other than city sports fields or ball diamonds, that is.
Does anyone know if that kind of uphill, improvised soccer pitch at the back of Tunney's Pasture is subject to this regulation? What other non-field green space to people use for games prior to mid-May (c'mon...share!)
Tue, 2006-04-18 14:34
Confederation, Major's Hill, Dow's lake?
There is enough space there to run around and they are not sports fields.
Dave O'Neill
Tue, 2006-04-18 14:51
[quote=Aaron Perras]Confederation, Major's Hill, Dow's lake?
There is enough space there to run around and they are not sports fields.[/quote]
Avoid anything OCUA plays league games on, please. It sucks enough playing at Dow's Lake already without having it wrecked by early-season pickup.
Peter Roebuck
Wed, 2006-04-19 10:57
Strathcona also has some space, just don't use the ball diamond.
Jared Cohen
Tue, 2006-04-18 13:13
Re: Anyone interested in pick-up tonite?
[quote=Steve Bisang]anywhere really[/quote]
Anywhere other than city sports fields or ball diamonds, that is.
Does anyone know if that kind of uphill, improvised soccer pitch at the back of Tunney's Pasture is subject to this regulation? What other non-field green space to people use for games prior to mid-May (c'mon...share!)
Tue, 2006-04-18 14:34
What about the parks?
Confederation, Major's Hill, Dow's lake?
There is enough space there to run around and they are not sports fields.
Dave O'Neill
Tue, 2006-04-18 14:51
Re: What about the parks?
[quote=Aaron Perras]Confederation, Major's Hill, Dow's lake?
There is enough space there to run around and they are not sports fields.[/quote]
Avoid anything OCUA plays league games on, please. It sucks enough playing at Dow's Lake already without having it wrecked by early-season pickup.
Peter Roebuck
Wed, 2006-04-19 10:57
Strathcona also has some space, just don't use the ball diamond.