Submitted by Karlis Bouse on Tue, 2015-04-28 15:18
Hi folks,
For anyone interested, we've started up our lunch-time pickup games this week - Wednesday and (likely) Thursday (noon-1pm) at the Ottawa Tech field at Slater and Bronson.
All are welcome!
Karlis Bouse
Wed, 2015-04-29 10:50
Hey folks,
Hey folks,
Sorry for the last-minute update, but the Slater/Bay field has not been cleaned - so we're moving to the Supreme Court lawn (Wellington and Kent)
See you all there! And bring a buddy!
Daria Cohen
Wed, 2015-04-29 11:04
Always wondered
I used to work at Bronson and Laurier and always wondered who was playing Ultimate there. Should have known it was you!
Karlis Bouse
Mon, 2015-05-11 17:12
yeah, you probably should
yeah, you probably should have guessed... :)
Sina Dee
Wed, 2015-04-29 11:32
would love to go
Unfortunately I work too far to go. If someone was to offer me a job downtown then I could go. I could also play for their agency's govt team. Just saying...
Karlis Bouse
Mon, 2015-05-11 17:12
Would that I could, Sina - we
Would that I could, Sina - we can certainly use you!!!
Andrew Leach
Tue, 2015-05-12 14:30
Will this continue throughout
Will this continue throughout the summer?
Karlis Bouse
Tue, 2015-05-12 21:01
Hey Brother and others
Hey Brother and others
our pick-up lunchtime games are going to be every Tuesday and Thursday from now through the summer...
The Slater / Bronson field is being reseeded, so we're moving back to the Supreme Court for a few games.
If people want to be placed on the email list, just let me know!!
Karlis Bouse
Mon, 2015-07-13 11:04
Hey Yvette (and others),
Hey Yvette (and others),
Yes - there is still lunchtime pick-up everyTuesdays and Thursday (from noon - 1pm) at the field at Slater and Bronson (Ottawa Tech).
Hope to see you out there!