I'll probably stand beside my opponents on the sideline a lot this week. Mostly to hear all the terrible things that will spew from Laura Chambers' mouth. Meanwhile on the field, I expect Geofford "The Ginge" to try way too hard. I'd like to put a FitBit on Khalid to capture two key pieces of information: (1) Throughout the game, does he literally cover the whole field and (2) does he run the equivalent of a half or full marathon?
Karma Down Under vs Kindha's Ongoing Disappointments
I expect Mehmet's team to be way more organized than any team playing for the first time together should be. Might be a result of the hour long prep he might have asked his team to show up for. Nick Klim's ability to tell asians apart won't be a factor in this game.
The CEOs vs #HammerHouse
The CEOs will have a tough (read: not tough) decision to make tonight. Force backhand or lose. Meanwhile, will #HammerHouse's stellar line-up of women (sorry dudes) dominate? Mixed ultimate is on the line here, folks.
Stan's Sturgeons vs Pirate Rob's Swashbuckling Rogues
Will Stan try to get Rob to captain's clause 1 timeout per half plus 1 Alex Bush floater? Otherwise a critical turnover late in the game might let the most implosive roster the league has ever seen take their first win of the season? How many harassment complaints will Brent and Keates manage to accrue in one week and will that be more or less than the postive things they do on the field?
Can I just "like" your post? How about the after-game post? What's your prediction statistic for the week. could be worth millions by years end.
Also, just want to point out I started the year by throwing fistfuls of thousands in the air when Ariel called for the hammer on I think my second pass and I threw it just for him, despite the open backhand. As I keep reminding Chris, there is a "?" in WWJD? (Incomplete, my new teammate was not expecting it and responded correctly by laughing). P-P-P-Parity.
Amos Lee
Mon, 2015-11-02 14:05
Lowered Expectations vs
Lowered Expectations vs Scoopers in Tokyo
I'll probably stand beside my opponents on the sideline a lot this week. Mostly to hear all the terrible things that will spew from Laura Chambers' mouth. Meanwhile on the field, I expect Geofford "The Ginge" to try way too hard. I'd like to put a FitBit on Khalid to capture two key pieces of information: (1) Throughout the game, does he literally cover the whole field and (2) does he run the equivalent of a half or full marathon?
Karma Down Under vs Kindha's Ongoing Disappointments
I expect Mehmet's team to be way more organized than any team playing for the first time together should be. Might be a result of the hour long prep he might have asked his team to show up for. Nick Klim's ability to tell asians apart won't be a factor in this game.
The CEOs vs #HammerHouse
The CEOs will have a tough (read: not tough) decision to make tonight. Force backhand or lose. Meanwhile, will #HammerHouse's stellar line-up of women (sorry dudes) dominate? Mixed ultimate is on the line here, folks.
Stan's Sturgeons vs Pirate Rob's Swashbuckling Rogues
Will Stan try to get Rob to captain's clause 1 timeout per half plus 1 Alex Bush floater? Otherwise a critical turnover late in the game might let the most implosive roster the league has ever seen take their first win of the season? How many harassment complaints will Brent and Keates manage to accrue in one week and will that be more or less than the postive things they do on the field?
Geofford Seaborn
Mon, 2015-11-02 17:11
Oh Amos.
I know we white guys all look the same; but mistaking me for Donahue is a bit harsh on him don't you think?
Amos Lee
Tue, 2015-11-03 09:03
It's not that hard to
It's not that hard to distinguish red hair from blue arm even with my slanty eyes.
Justine Price
Tue, 2015-11-03 10:47
predictions week one by Amos
Can I just "like" your post? How about the after-game post? What's your prediction statistic for the week. could be worth millions by years end.
Also, just want to point out I started the year by throwing fistfuls of thousands in the air when Ariel called for the hammer on I think my second pass and I threw it just for him, despite the open backhand. As I keep reminding Chris, there is a "?" in WWJD? (Incomplete, my new teammate was not expecting it and responded correctly by laughing). P-P-P-Parity.
Ariel Untiveros
Tue, 2015-11-03 11:44
Like all businesses, the customer is always right, even if the decision is wrong, it's ALWAYS right!
Christopher Keates
Mon, 2015-11-02 14:22
> How many harassment
> How many harassment complaints will Brent and Keates manage to accrue in one week
Brent: over under set at 4.5
Keates: zero
> and will that be more or less than the postive things they do on the field?
Brent: more
Keates: more