Parity - Week 1 Highlights

Hey all,
Good first week! Let's fondly remember some of the Parody league's notable highlights.
First Parity Calahan, 2015-2016: Megan Berry!
Offseason Workout Addict: Wynne Gee, whose dedication to hockey and serious gym work had her overthrowing the field when she wasn't throwing over poaching defenders (like Al).
Most assists to the other team: Speaking of... Al Colantonio macked 2 D's into the endzone he was defending, and both were caught for points. We've implemented a "Catch D" button for a reason, bud.
Best Posterize: Jeremy Bryan qualified for Team Canada Open Masters in an impromptu tryout last night by skying Owen Lumley in a catch that kind of reminds me of this ( but with less fouling (Jeremy is a big teddybear)
Best Throw: Justine threw a disk around a light pole. Around a light pole, people! And it should have been for a point, but....
Worst Call: Kindha called the catch out of bounds. ಠ_ಠ
Worst chirp delivery: "11 weeks!" to Geofford after his first drop of the year. Only problem: last year his first drop came week 8! Somebody dropped the ball on that one....
Notable Parity Rookies: Alan Godding led the league in goals! David O'Connor got on the scoreboard 8 times! Adam MacDonald had the highest salary increase in the first week! Tim Kealey has the best beard in the league!

In Kindha's defense, the call was correct. The entire sideline said so too.


As the "1%-er", I don't know if the "entire" sideline was correct. I really thought that Tanya had possession before dropping her right foot down.  She definitely wasn't straddling the line in my opinion.

Best throw? Terrible throw and stop encouraging me. Great catch by Tanya. Good call by Kindha, followed up by checking it at the corner of the field when I believe it should have come all the way back to where it went out, at our endzone. It never came in and was caught by offense out of bounds. Blah blah, rules are more of guidelines anyway.

Justine you threw it around a light pole. I'm going to encourage that look every day of the week.

Especially next Monday, starting at 7:00 pm.

Andrew Cameron had the most put together outfit last night, no questions asked. Although now that I say that, I REALLY like Justine's hat. #reallybutreallyreally

Are you referring to the first point when I was still wearing my bright red warm-up shirt on our black line...and I was completely ignorant to it until I overheard Sprysa mention "the guy in the red shirt" from the other end of the field.  I swear I wasn't just trying to help the statisticians!

Best dressed must go to Owen Lumley though.  Anyone else catch on to his jersey?

How is Mark Donahue not in the conversation for best dressed?!

Every single item* of clothing he was wearing was royal blue:  hat, shirt, undershirt, shorts, cleats, arm warmer**, and socks.  Even his socks.  I noticed the blue of his socks as he was beating me deep.




* visible item

** what does that thing do?

The ultimate community isn't ready for Donahue's fashion sense. Andrew took the safe road but looked hella fine doing it.

C'mon Will, it's obviously the Ultimate equivalent to this.

Speed holes.

I'm going to have to invest in some of those.

The player with the best view of Mark might have been Laura, as he chased down a floaty disc intended for her - took off with a great leap, hung in the air for quite some time, but then actually failed to make any contact with anything (least of all her, as his bid was so safe as to be arguably taken too early) only to see the disc settle gently into her waiting arms after he landed.  

Of course he made up for this later in a similar situation with another very safe, but this time effective skying on deep help situation.

I didn't see Andrew C's outfit, clearly if we're going to have fashion judgements we'll need photos posted to this forum.  Photos of any Parity league players at a Goosebowl (Kingston Halloween Tournament) party this past weekend might also be well received and appropriate.

Mehmet is posting about photos of people looking ridiculous in costumes?!?  It is like he is begging to rehash the photo of him in a sailor suit. I looked but couldn't quickly find the legendery shot.

Did anybody else notice Douggie B drop 8 dimes? I'm gonna put 5 cutters on his line. He doesn't need no stinkin bails.

Somebody needs to implement a *like* button for this forum, cause I'd like the hell out of this.

Sweeeet.  I thought I would lead the first night with those 4 (3?)

how is that possible? i mean science told me it couldnt happen!



I'm getting slammed hardest by my own team mates!

Don't worry, it looks like Bisang stil tied for most drops (with Fred Caron?!) at 4. All is well in the world, today.

were are these mythical stats you reference?

Public stats sheet that Matt Masse sent out in an e-mail about a week ago. Look for the "MM - Week 1" tab

So much more to learn grasshopper.  Good thing for you, throwing hammers and dropping discs aren't one of those things! ;)

I was surprised to see that my catch out of bounds meant a drop in terms of stats.  I had three catches out of bounds for drops :(

One of my drops was reaching for an OB disc and trying to stay in bounds and it bouncing of my fingers.

Lesson learned, just let it go and count it as a thro-away for Al.


A phenomenon closely related to Tyranny of People Who Know You Taking Stats (ToPWKYTS¹) but not limited to Parity is the Tyranny of People That Handle Abjectly Terribly: Al (TopTHAT:A²). It's characterized by throws with LeagueRunner10 ambitions LeagueRunner7 trajectories. ToPTHAT:A often presents and is exasperated by the presence of a cutter with Boy I'd Sure Appreciate New Gloves³ Syndrome .


¹ Still pronounced like "Top wickets".

² Pronounced like "Top that, eh!"

³BISANG sufferers will often complain that catchable discs were "just out of reach".



I am going to print this on a background of footsteps on a beach, and sell it as a motivational poster.

Also it's clearly pronounced Top Hats.

I guess that's the Tyranny of People Who Know You Taking Stats (ToPWKYTS¹). I remember thinking that I've seen you make way more amazing catches and that toeing the line was possible. Similarly, if Proulx or Donahue aren't flying through the air like dolphins, maybe they aren't trying THAT hard.


¹It's pronounced "top-wickets".

Last year, when Seb and I took stats together we used some judgement re. drops vs. throw aways. If someone threw poorly and the receiver made super human effort to make the grab and managed to get finger tips on it, we did not credit the drop, just the throw away. You shouldn't get penalized for trying to bail out your team mates heinous throw. We wanted a "wow" button and a "gawk" button for aesthetic bonus points to really give us judgy powers! But Seb and I don't really need a button for judgy either.

For all people in parity: 

There are guidelines in the Public Stats google doc for stats keeping. The sheet is: "LEAGUE - Stats Keeper Guidelines"

The sheet covers the exact situation you've outlined, as well as a few others to illustrate the discretion players have re: stat keeping as well as the general goal of stat keeping (reward the awesome things we do as much as possible). In the case of Tanya and the infamous light pole throw, I'm guessing the decision was that it was reasonably possible to keep it in bounds.

It's the curse of the Top-Wickets for tryhards like Tryhard Gallant and Mark Tryhardahue.

Tyranny of People Blaming Other Players Prematurely Entering Regular Season (TopPBOPPERS).

ToPBOPPERS is a common symptom of LOFATRAS (Lack of Focus and T-Rex Arms Syndrome)



Offensive conversion rate

Rob Tyson and Andre Scott scored 100% of their offensive points.  Put these people on when you start with the disc.

Break rate

Jamie Wildgen scored 100% of his defensive points...all 3 of them (11% of his points).  Convince him to play more D as his offensive conversion rate was 50%.  Sorry to say Jamie! 

Point rate

Allan Godding and Kirsten Querbach both got a goal on over 30% of the points they played

Assist rate

As previously pointed out Doug Brierley had a stellar night getting an assist on 35% of the points he played.  Jamie Wildgen, Adam MacDonals and Chris Keates all threw an assist on 33% of the points they played.

Points played

Karma Down Under's men's line of Mehmet Karman, Steve Close, Donahue and Trevor Stocki managed to get on the field for 25 points.  Not wasting any time in that game!