Please be on the lookout for a selection of Christmas Parity Cookies, available on the sidelines of field 3. Cookies provided by a lovely bunch of Parity ladies, Kirsten Querbach, Justine Price, Laura Storey, and Angela Mueller, with contributions from Julie Donaldson and Andrea Proulx.
Jamie Boss's team should show up really early for the 8:20 game and have a pre-game cookie or seven.
Geofford Seaborn
Mon, 2016-12-19 13:02
I {heart} cookies!
I {heart} cookies!
Justine Price
Mon, 2016-12-19 14:03
Parity cookies
...and this is yet another motivating reason to do my stats shift tonight -woot!
Sam Lee
Tue, 2016-12-20 13:57
The cookies were amazing! Happy Holidays to all of you!