Parity Podcast #5

Episode 5, featuring Amos Lee and Kindha Gorman.
A break from the "two dudes talking" format.
The first two of (hopefully) eight chats w/ GMs, we talk about draft plans and how they've played out.
Also: Parity Greatness, prediction recaps for week 9, and a look towards quarterfinals.

Well done as always!

Working with some alternative facts, we've dominated this league and will win playoffs. I don't know what Geofford is talking about. 

+1. Well played.

The post-truth world cares not for your supposed facts.

Indoor ultimate has been a staple of OCUA with many, many years of successful seasons prior to Parity even existing (IAD, Indoor Comp). As such, the most successful teams have captains/GMs that are good at coaching people up and implementing some basic strategies. I think you should break open the brains of Justine and/or Sully to get their take on how to maximize the potential of an indoor team. I have my own thoughts on how defense should be played and I'm sure other captains/GMs have some other valuable nuggets. I realize this type of content is kind of the oposite of what the podcast was created for but it could help new GMs/Captains with making the transition to indoor frisbee.

We could take it a step further, Seb. How about a Parity: Masterclass series?

Justine and Sully talk about being timeless and staying healthy while people around them slowly stop playing. 

Wildgen talks about being timeless and staying healthy while people very nearby quickly stop playing.

Sandra Hanson talks about focused meditation and applying it directly to elongating one's arms and legs.

Jeff Hunt talks about dedication. (It takes a Herculean effort to keep up the lie that he's a real readhead; so many products.)
Fred talks self-esteem.
Rob Ives talks the Art of the Deal.
Laura Chambers talks about being the Most Charming Laura on the team in the face of adversity and Other Charming Lauras.
Naturally, my Parity: Masterclass would be about possession-based offence and depilatory routines. 

And when it does, you listen to the parity podcast. Thumbs up emoji.

I could contribute thoughts on how to remain mostly useful in a masterclass.

Matthew, I'm really sorry I had to do this.

For everyone else, it's a hard CH. It's pronounced like Kijiji.

The only Masterclass I want to attend right here....