This week: an in depth look at "the other" parity podcast, truth bombs, the HOF award, and two special guests- one a rules expert, the other an expert of nothing at all.
Yet again, Tom's sound board is the best part of the podcast. Not to be ignored, however, are hosts Sullivan and Price, who succeed in amplifying the sound board's creative, insightful, and dramatic contributions to the discussion.
As the only Parity Podcast featuring Tom Newman's Sound Board(TM), the IPPP is pulling away from its competitors in the Parity Podcast genre. How will the other offerings respond?
Truth bomb: There is no rivalry. Unless it drives up listenership for the podcasts according to market research. In which, case, sure....there is rivalry. Faux feuds are good for business. More eggs for all. If I have to be honest, I'd pick Sudoku over Operation.
4:38: It was not a "pretend" to slap the disk out of his hand, you actually did.
5:08: I feel like I'm watching a variation of the famous horse racing carnival game where the more accurately you can fire a stream of water from a water gun into the mouth of a clown (or whatever), the faster your horse goes, except it's all in reverse, and Mehmet and Jessie spend their time trying to soak the carney running the game.
5:53: Mama J is fully aware that the Pewpewpew award was named for her in the first place, and that Sebastien is to blame for it.
6:50: The burning question is, was "a lot" one word or two.
7:14: How many of those years are spent giving GOOD advice.
8:14: Al only fronts as a hipster. He's a little too bougie to be truly hipster. Also, as an aside, the correct number of man-bun on any team is one. A team without one manbun needs a manbun. A team with two or more manbuns needs to decide which manbun to cut.
9:21: Contest! Throw went from goal-line to middle of the end-zone on a stall nine huck meaning that the disk (ahem, "frisbee") was kept in bounds so my receiver could make a play. My other options were to turn it on shorter field position or throw it out the back where the disk would come back to the front of the other end-zone anyway. This entire controversy critique is built on a faulty premise!
11:38: Objection, speculation. The witness was not there, and is disparaging my client (me). Judge: sustained (obviously), Sully will refrain from speculation and stick solely to the facts. This entire judgement is suspect!!! .... wait the ruling went in my favour? My entire outrage noted above is retracted.
12:32: Both Podcasts (rightly) have zero legal standing or adequacy.
15:23: Portmantalented, Sully, but your cunning word play isn't enough to hide the fact that the iParty Parity Podcast is positively tortious.
I have some garbage, I mean, a prize still pending for the HoF Award: the McCringleberry, awarded for exceptional endzone celebration following the scoring of a point. We have a couple of strong contenders from the last game, but it's still open. I refer you to this clip for a demonstration. Please let us know of any entries if you see them/do them.
On my way out last night, I saw Adam Macdonald score a goal, then hold the disc up as a mirror, brush his lucious locks then pose while Lance took mime photos of him.
I was a bit confused by the display, but it all makes sense now...
We had planned to do a podcast but things just got too exciting in the Vikings game. Gasp! Obviously the only thing anyone cares about is the HoF award (obviously Adam and Lance with a mic dropping show) and Mama J's truth bombs (I will bring the snail mail letter I recieved asking for advice for anyone who cares to read it -it's a gem.)
Jon Rowe
Mon, 2017-12-18 08:54
The real star of the I Party Parity podcast
To nobody's surprise, is Tom Newman.
Yet again, Tom's sound board is the best part of the podcast. Not to be ignored, however, are hosts Sullivan and Price, who succeed in amplifying the sound board's creative, insightful, and dramatic contributions to the discussion.
As the only Parity Podcast featuring Tom Newman's Sound Board(TM), the IPPP is pulling away from its competitors in the Parity Podcast genre. How will the other offerings respond?
Geofford Seaborn
Mon, 2017-12-18 09:05
It's not a competition...
...but they're winning.
(In reality, we're all after the same thing and there's no rivalry.)
I enjoy listening as much as everyone else.
Justine Price
Mon, 2017-12-18 14:13
No rivalry
Truth bomb: There is no rivalry. Unless it drives up listenership for the podcasts according to market research. In which, case, sure....there is rivalry. Faux feuds are good for business. More eggs for all. If I have to be honest, I'd pick Sudoku over Operation.
Christopher Keates
Mon, 2017-12-18 14:50
There's a rivalry.
And tonight I up the game with #bribery for #popularity and #likes and #upvotes and #subscribers and #listeners.
Jon Rowe
Mon, 2017-12-18 15:03
You're in luck
My fandom can be bought with cookies, compliments, or a dozen maple meadows farm-fresh eggs!
Geofford Seaborn
Mon, 2017-12-18 09:00
Next-level analysis.
Next-level analysis.
Glad the goal officially stands for my PLFL result.
Carrie-Anne Whyte
Mon, 2017-12-18 10:36
OMG this made me laugh so hard this morning! lol! Also, does Newman actually sell eggs hahaha!
Justine Price
Mon, 2017-12-18 11:44
Newman: Purveyor of farm fresh eggs
Yes! $5 per dozen, sold on the side line and they are amazing! Happy hens make all the difference. (This post brought to you by Maple Meadow's Farm.)
Tom Newman
Mon, 2017-12-18 14:06
First eggs...then the world
Selling eggs is Just a first step towards world domination...but the hens really are happy!
Christopher Keates
Mon, 2017-12-18 15:59
Annotated Criticisms: Redux.
4:38: It was not a "pretend" to slap the disk out of his hand, you actually did.
5:08: I feel like I'm watching a variation of the famous horse racing carnival game where the more accurately you can fire a stream of water from a water gun into the mouth of a clown (or whatever), the faster your horse goes, except it's all in reverse, and Mehmet and Jessie spend their time trying to soak the carney running the game.
5:53: Mama J is fully aware that the Pewpewpew award was named for her in the first place, and that Sebastien is to blame for it.
6:50: The burning question is, was "a lot" one word or two.
7:14: How many of those years are spent giving GOOD advice.
8:14: Al only fronts as a hipster. He's a little too bougie to be truly hipster. Also, as an aside, the correct number of man-bun on any team is one. A team without one manbun needs a manbun. A team with two or more manbuns needs to decide which manbun to cut.
9:21: Contest! Throw went from goal-line to middle of the end-zone on a stall nine huck meaning that the disk (ahem, "frisbee") was kept in bounds so my receiver could make a play. My other options were to turn it on shorter field position or throw it out the back where the disk would come back to the front of the other end-zone anyway. This entire controversy critique is built on a faulty premise!
11:38: Objection, speculation. The witness was not there, and is disparaging my client (me). Judge: sustained (obviously), Sully will refrain from speculation and stick solely to the facts. This entire judgement is suspect!!! .... wait the ruling went in my favour? My entire outrage noted above is retracted.
12:32: Both Podcasts (rightly) have zero legal standing or adequacy.
15:23: Portmantalented, Sully, but your cunning word play isn't enough to hide the fact that the iParty Parity Podcast is positively tortious.
15:48: We'd be a much more electrifying to iParty Parity Podcast's far more nuanced offering.
Justine Price
Mon, 2018-01-08 11:38
HoF McCringleberry award
I have some garbage, I mean, a prize still pending for the HoF Award: the McCringleberry, awarded for exceptional endzone celebration following the scoring of a point. We have a couple of strong contenders from the last game, but it's still open. I refer you to this clip for a demonstration. Please let us know of any entries if you see them/do them.
Alex Bush
Mon, 2018-01-08 12:07
You just cannot eat the ball
You just cannot eat the ball at this level of play.
Simon Berry
Mon, 2018-01-08 18:59
Bouncy castle
Who ever figures out how to get a bouncy castle into the dome and inflate it wins, followed by the liquid nitrogen
Ryan Briggs
Tue, 2018-01-09 08:16
That explains it...
On my way out last night, I saw Adam Macdonald score a goal, then hold the disc up as a mirror, brush his lucious locks then pose while Lance took mime photos of him.
I was a bit confused by the display, but it all makes sense now...
Justine Price
Tue, 2018-01-09 08:39
the display
..Ryan, you should have stayed. There was more. Much more.
Ryan Briggs
Tue, 2018-01-09 12:12
:( Sad to have missed it.
:( Sad to have missed it. Unfortunately, I had a pork should in the slow cooker that wasn't going to pull itself.
I expect a full recap.
Simon Berry
Tue, 2018-01-09 22:35
Is the pork shoulder that won’t pull itself a euphemism for something? I only ask after mike Davison post
Steve Bisang
Mon, 2018-01-15 21:44
What is going on?
You miss one season of parity...
David O'Connor
Tue, 2018-01-09 09:37
I should have read this before the game last night!
I just thought Adam and Lance we're really into football celebrations. The shoe shine was my personal favourite.
Justine Price
Sun, 2018-01-14 22:23
No podcast this week
We had planned to do a podcast but things just got too exciting in the Vikings game. Gasp! Obviously the only thing anyone cares about is the HoF award (obviously Adam and Lance with a mic dropping show) and Mama J's truth bombs (I will bring the snail mail letter I recieved asking for advice for anyone who cares to read it -it's a gem.)
Buy eggs, people!