Results of the unofficial Parity feedback survey

Thanks to all 74 people (wow!) who filled in the informal league feedback survey attached to the awards voting form. Results are available here:

My preliminary analysis of the results is also available at the link, but I encourage others to respond with their own interpretations. Let's keep the discussion going so that we can collectively resolve some outstanding issues before next season starts!

I'm a big fan of Making Parity Great Again (still Keates' favourite joke, I'm sure).

We're all in this together, and I hope that we can all make the league better for more players more of the time.

This is absolutely fantastic.  Great work!!

One of the things that makes Parity Great: The number of people involved in shaping the league.  There are far too many volunteer organizations that flourish only when an individual or handful of individuals are defining and implementing direction.  OCUA is definitely not in that category - KEEP IT UP!!!

I wonder how many Board Members over the past few years have been Parity players (all but one right now I believe)?

Have statistics been shared on the gender equity improvement that was made for the 2018/19 Parity Season (ie trend of the percentage of gender on the leaderboards, gender touches, gender salary distribution, [your favorite statistic here], etc.)?  I'm sure there are challenges in generating relevant data as this would need to be normalized to the skill distribution for each session somehow and likely other complications.

Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood's picture

Thanks for the positive feedback!

I'm very keen to do a complete gender analysis but I don't have the programming skills to parse the point-by-point data, which would be necessary to answer questions like: are men throwing more to men, are women more involved at key points in the play, etc. But some of the other questions you ask are pretty straightforward once I dig up data from previous years.

I know Keates and others have done this kind of work in the past and I'd love to see them do it again :)

I took a quick look at the data from this year vs. last and it's not terribly encouraging. Per point, women were thrown to 82.7% as often as men last year vs. 78.8% this year. If you look at only players who played in both years women were still thrown to less this year, but the difference is very small 79.2% vs. 78.7%.

and similarly discouraging news from the fruit industry this year with orange sales still only at 87% of apple sales.

That made me LOL.


In all seriousness though, I think parity league has a unique opportunity, due to its self balancing nature, to eliminate gender requirements entirely.  No male/female ratio on the field, on a team, or in the league as a whole.  If you're fast, you get covered by someone who's fast - not necessarily you're gender.  Subs for you just have to have a similar salary as yours.  If you're team of top women is too good, you'll be forced to trade for some guy who can't catch.  Entry into the league is done fairly (first come first serve, lottery?).