With a chill in the air, frisbee players begrudgingly packed up their cleats and moved into the warmth of the dome this past week. Sadly for some, it was impossible to truly escape the cold as they were met with the icy barbs of the relentless hecklers. Although it would be an incredible feat to document the entirety of what was heard on Monday, I’ve tried my best to account for the best ones so that those pointed words can be enjoyed by all:)
The first shot comes at the expense of our very dear Morgan, who I’m not sure even heard the jab from the sideline. It was Morgan who put a nice huck down field but overthrew his receiver by just a bit. P-Mo on the sidelines calmly stated that touch is learned in the second year of playing and that he’ll get there eventually.
Our next chirp was directed to someone who was on the sideline cheering on their son. After the young Nick Belanger put a beauty huck down field to Brian Perry for a score, Brian, who was clearly stoked that the kid had talent, exclaimed “Who taught you that? Not your Dad I bet!!!”
Coming back to chirps that were directed at on-field players, we had Nick Theriault who unfortunately had a teachable moment near the endzone. From the other end of the field Geofford could be heard yelling “Theriault…… Awwwwaaay” as if he was some kind of super hero, a superhero with the power of throwaways:(
Al Colantonio made a swing pass that was narrowly missed by a defensive layout from Dante that surely would have been a Callaghan. “Calibrated!!” Al yells to the sideline as he clearly underestimated Dante’s reach. From under the breath of someone on the sideline: “The only thing calibrated about that was your sphincter.”
Laura’s team had a bit of a tough week but ever the optimist, Laura exclaimed over and over that they were doing really well, why else would they get to start on O every point?
Zach was keeping himself busy on his team making some impressive plays and someone named him his team’s garbage collector. Someone then chimed in “He wouldn’t have to garbage collect if there wasn’t so many garbage putter-outters” (The chirp was clearly from someone on Kelsey’s Sub Par Grammar)
This next one comes from Laura and I hope I am getting it right. From what I can only imagine the play went like this: After a low flying disc was scooped up by PatMapp, Dan Thompson was relieved that he didn’t have to catch such swill and let everyone know by saying “I can’t get that low.” PatMapp ever the scientist decided to test this claim immediately by throwing Dan T a pass that was really effin low.
This next one isn’t from the dome, it’s not even from a frisbee player, but it deserves to be on this list nonetheless. In a phone call to his Dad after the game Tom Newman was detailing his return to frisbee after his long absence from injury:
Newman: Hey Dad, finally played my first game since breaking my leg.
Dad: How was it?
Newman: Pretty rough. Everything felt clunky and not smooth and I felt super out of shape.
Dad: Oh! So you’re back to normal already!
Friggen Savage!
And with that, week 1 is truly in the books. I can only hope that we collectively didn’t blow all our best chirps that we had been saving all summer. While it might be tough, I think that if we challenge ourselves we can make next week even better!
If I missed anything from week 1 please post it here or on slack. Don't forget to keep your ears open for next Monday and let me know if you hear any good chirps for week 2. I’ll hopefully do a similar post next week :)
Hadrian Mertins...
Fri, 2019-11-08 18:54
Keep 'em coming, everybody!