Women's League Player-Coach-Captain

Purpose of Position: To provide leadership and guidance on newly formed hat teams within our women’s league. To foster team identity, fun, an ability to reasonably compete, and the overall growth of the team. The player coach helps to ensure a quality experience.

The goal of coach captain will be to have hat teams develop a sense of identity and be able to register as a team entry in future seasons. The player that the coach captain identifies to serve as co-captain will then be able to assume full captain responsibility.

Functional Responsibilities/Job Description:

  • Take a supportive leadership role as co-captain of the hat team
  • Be a successful member of the team helping team members to play together and develop their skills and understanding.
  • Identify a member of the team to serve as another “co-captain” who demonstrates the desire and qualities to ensure a quality experience for all team members and who may take the eventual leadership role of the team in upcoming seasons.
  • Play the role of a coach both on the sidelines and on the field providing encouragement and suggestion to members of the team to help them improve their skills and game understanding.

Responsible To: Volunteer Services Officer, OCUA Staff, Members of team assignment

Qualifications: A passion and enjoyment for ultimate. A willingness and interest to help fellow female players develop into better players and find a sense of belonging within a team. Strong rule knowledge a must. Competitive level experience is not required so long as the player has very good basic throws with consistency and accuracy.

Best Suited Person for Position: Any female player passionate about ultimate and understanding of the challenges that hat teams face and the difference between a hat team and a regular team. A coach captain must be patient, a strong communicator, a good leader, and understanding of all players needs.

Length of term: Season-by-season basis (commitment for a full season required)

Time Commitment: Beyond the time commitment of the game itself the coach captain is expected to perform the duties of any regular captain including emailing the team regarding schedule and game times and potentially organizing pre-game prep. Time including game play and associated tasks: 2-2.5 hrs per week.

Additional Comments: The selection of another co-captain from the team is intended to help train that person to be a good captain of the future team and also be responsible for captain duties of the current team, including email and contact with the team.

If you are interested in volunteering for this position or have questions please CLICK HERE