If you could add a new button to the app...

So this is come up a few times and I figure it's way better as its own thread.

If you could add one button to the stat keeping app that we use in Parity, what would it be?

Last year's most sought after button was a "flair" button. If you did anything on the field with flair (ex. layout)... you got the flair button.

Owen just suggested a "endzone turnover" button vs a "non-endzone turnover button" in another thread (lame).

I'd personally love a scoober button. And completing one nets you $1,500 instead of the usual $1,000.

I think if we implement enough of these ideas, we'll also have to start paying stat keepers.

I think you should get a base % increase on your salary per useless forum comment you post. 

Uhhh. Guavas.

No one could afford me.

Horatio Hornblower

"Mobile" home for sale. Best town: http://fw.to/2lZg6IK

Bonus selling point: The home within Amos isn't near any active volcanoes.
