Oh Tuesday Morning....

This is a formal challenge to anyone who LOVES the late time slots as much as I do.  

Using "Oh Tuesday Morning" (or something similar) as your title or starting line, write the best poem...haiku's sonnets whatever.  I'll find some way to judge, or maybe get Kevin and his computer smarts to put something together so people can vote and the winner gets a prize of baked goods for their team.





Effortless, the sun rises

But I need coffee

I have taken
the energy
to play Parity
Monday night

and which
you were probably
for Tuesday morning

Forgive me
it was fun
so sweet
but so late.


Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood's picture

Oh, Tuesday morning, time of mourning.
Last night champing, now just cramping.
Eyes half open, ankles broken.
Choking down a bitter brew.
Oh, sun is gleaming, I'm still dreaming
Of the action, stat transactions,
Cheering layouts, cashing payouts,
Ruing every turn I threw.
Oh, work is calling, wants me crawling
For a paycheque? Take a rain check,
Forget focus, I give notice.
Give me disc prosperity.
Oh, Tuesday morning, here's your warning.
Try to stop me, mock or drop me.
While you're hating, I'm just waiting
For next Monday's Parity.